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How to wear wedges with summer outfits



Our love for wedges is no secret. This versatile style is as fashionable as it is comfortable and uplifting. And while pairing your wedge sandals with evening looks might be a simpler task, many of you are not sure what to wear with wedges for a casual everyday looks. we put together a small guide on how to style your wedges in a day to day outfit.


1. Minimalistic look: Jeans, T- shirt  and wedges


Though a basic look, there are so many ways to make it unique and truly yours.

In this case we decided to style the wedges into a casual pastel colored summer outfit . The muted shades of these grey wedges work perfectly well with the seafoam green bag and sunglasses.

Styled this way, the wedges uplift the entire look and make it perfect for day to night.














2. Boho look: Denim shorts, Layers and Wedges


Warm weather doesn’t mean you should give up layers. In this look we show how to wear wedges in a boho look, achieved with just a few touches.


The knit throw adds that bohemian touch, and is beautifully complemented by the metallic wedges. The most amazing thing is that the wedges add an instant stylish touch to this summer outfit while making it look effortlessly glamorous.























 3. Sophisticated: Skirt, Top and Wedges


For a more sophisticated everyday look we paired the very fashionable paper bag silhouette skirt with a simple tank top. Casual can be elegant so if you’re not sure how to style your wedges for occasions that require a more official attire, this is the way to go. A jacket can be added to the look as well.


The wedges add a surprising element to the look, without overwhelming it. The result of adding the wedges to this ensemble is a smart summer outfit  that can easily transition from day to night.





